Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mission Possible

Since the title of this blog is Melting Mama, I figured I should start writing about my journey and my plan of attack.  First lets start with the basics.

Age : 26 yrs
Weight : 341 according to the doctor
Basal Metabolic Rate : 3193 calories a day to maintain
Calorie limit : 2380 calories a day
Daily deficit :  813 calories a day

So what this states is that if I eat no more then 2380 calories a day I should be able to lose 1.626 lbs a week.  My doctor says he wants me to lose 5 pounds a month.  However he also wants me to eat no more then 2000 calories a day.  If I follow what the doctor says then I should be losing 2.386 lbs a week.  Having explained the basics lets get to the mission at hand.

Time frame : June 8th 2012 (Sarai's 1st birthday)
Weight as of last year : 382 lbs ( pregnancy weight due to high blood pressure)
Goal weight : 299 lbs
Total lost : 46 lbs true weight ( I was 345 lbs prior to pregnancy)
% lost : 13.3%

So that means from this point I need to lose 42 lbs in the next 14 weeks. So lets break that down.

42 lbs = 147k calories. That's 10,500 calories every week.  That's 1500 calories a day that I need to either eat less or exercise more.  Well lets go back up to the basic information.  According to my calculations I am already eating 813 calories less then my bmr so that means I need to come up with a way to exercise 687 calories.  In order to do that the easiest way is to walk.  And walk and walk.

But seriously, walking is what my doctor has recommended for me as a regular exercise.  He wants me to get in 30 minutes every day walking at a 3.5 to 4.5 mph.  Since I am just starting out I am going to use 3 mph for 60 minutes. That would give me 673 calories burned every day.

Now that we have all the basic calculations done lets get how I am going to do this.

I will get up every morning on time at 7am. I will make sure that I eat breakfast before 8am and I will get dressed by 9am. I will use the 2 hours that Sarai is taking a nap in the morning for my personal quiet time with God.  I will do a daily devotional and spend time LISTENING to God.

February 26 2012
I will eat a healthy lunch every day before noon.  I will work with Sarai on her therapy needs before her afternoon nap every day.  I will use her second nap of the day as an opportunity to work out every day.  I will go to the gym every day for 1 hour and walk on the treadmills.  I will walk 3 miles every day.

I will eat a healthy satisfying meal for dinner before 6pm every night.  I will stop eating in front of the television and I will start having a sit down meal with my family.  I will read to my daughter every night before she goes to bed.  I will end my night with a relaxing shower and go to bed before midnight every night.

So thats my plan.  Any thoughts?

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